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Publication date: 03.06.2019
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Pasquale Pavone has joined the Institute of Economics of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and EMbeDS as a Research Fellow -- working with Maria Francesca Romano. His fellowship is co-financed by the Institute of Management (Sabina Nuti and Chiara Seghieri).

Pasquale received a PhD in Economics from the University of Màlaga. His research interests involve Text Mining and Textual Data Analysis for multidimensional content; Natural Language Processing (disambiguation problems, frequency dictionaries, lexico-textual treatment); and the development of software for Lexical and Textual Analysis. He is a member of the “Research Centre for the Analysis of Public Policies” (CAPP) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and a lecturer on "Automatic Text Analysis methods and Text Mining solutions” for the Master in Big Data of the University “La Sapienza” (Rome).

As a research fellow at Sant'Anna Pasquale will work in several areas, using specialized textual analysis software (e.g. TalTac2.10, Iramuteq and Gephi) and statistical packages to analyze: 
1) natural language responses provided by hospitalized patients through web questionnaires; 
2) comments and narrations provided by patients participating in the European H2020 HarmonicSS project survey; 
3) magistrate judgments available on the website of the Corte di Cassazione and from specialized databases (deJure);
4) texts of official acts of the Public Administration (in several European languages).

What are Pasquale’s plans for this new chapter of his academic career, in connection with the objectives of EMbeDS? "I am looking forward to interacting with researchers at Sant'Anna: it will be an opportunity for mutual learning and to enhance the specific skills I have acquired during my research activity."

"In my academic and professional experience I have worked in very diverse domains, tackling different kinds of data  (from legislative texts to innovation policy documents) and finding  the most appropriate solutions to address different research questions ."

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